Need to strengthen your Symfony team?

Hiring a technical profile does not always require a long-term commitment. You could need more technical resources temporarly and not always as a permanent hiring. With the increase of new and more autonomous forms of work, more and more developers become freelancers.

Lots of employers find it very hard to find the right profile to strengthen their technical team. Here are some questions they frequently ask:

  • where to look for?
  • how to evaluate the quality of these candidates?

Faced with ever more complex technical issues, it has become almost impossible to find in-house all the skills and knowledge required for each project.

Using external resources on an ad hoc basis is often the only way to carry out your project, provided you can access the best developer profiles on the market and assess their skills as precisely as possible.

Tasks developer

SensioLabs shortlists developers profiles

To meet the needs for specific technical skills, SensioLabs selects and evaluates the best available profiles from a network of more than 50 partners in 20 countries – Tech services companies and integrators – as well as freelancers belonging to the PHP and Symfony’s developer community.

Tested by our experts’ team to ensure top-level quality and objective recommendations, dozens of profiles are added weekly to SensioLabs’ talent pool. With this unique network (the biggest PHP & Symfony developers’ network in the world !) and as the creator of Symfony, SensioLabs is able to respond to requests for profiles in 1 to 3 working days whatever your technical requirements may be.

Qualité testée

The 2 best reasons to call on SensioLabs to strengthen your team

  1. Choosing to work with SensioLabs to reinforce your technical team for short-term needs saves you time and helps you being responsive compared to traditional recruiting processes or the use of external service providers.
  2. The sourcing and selection work has already been done, which makes it possible to choose, with confidence, an available candidate, with the guarantee of the expected level of Symfony skills, tested and approved by the technical experts of the framework’s creator.

More information on SensioLabs’ solutions to periodically strengthen your Symfony team at