Our white paper “Why Symfony” is now updated


SensioLabs, the creator of Symfony, has updated its white paper “Why Symfony”. This white paper explains the advantages of using Symfony in a web and application development project. In about 20 pages, you will learn why Symfony is the most used PHP framework by IT professionals.

Why choose Symfony? What are the advantages of a framework for my project? How can I get help and advice during my project using Symfony? Many CTOs, CIOs, lead developers and tech leaders have raised these questions.

All of them find answers in this very useful white paper “Why Symfony?” republished by SensioLabs, the creator of Symfony.

A white paper updated with Symfony’s new challenges

Entirely updated and adapted to Symfony’s new challenges, the 2020 version of the white paper “Why Symfony” takes up the original structure in five parts:

  • 7 common beliefs about Symfony.
  • A framework: for whom and for what purpose?
  • Why choose Symfony (vs. another framework)?
  • The 6 commandments of Symfony.
  • Is a PHP developer a Symfony developer (and vice-versa)?

As a matter of fact, the last version of the white paper had been released in 2015. And over the past five years, the Symfony framework has been more and more popular. Symfony has been downloaded billions of times, and is used for a wide range of purposes. With more than 600,000 users worldwide and many contributors, Symfony has become a major Open Source project, a flagship for the French Tech.

To ensure the stability of the framework, a system of regular updates has been established. At the end of 2017, the implementation of Flex with Symfony 4 has largely simplified how to use the framework. Recently, the release of Symfony 5 introduced new components (Messenger, HTTP Client, etc.) and improved the developer’s experience.

>>> For more information, download the 2020 version of the white paper

Your company is unsure about starting a Symfony project or you have some questions about an ongoing project? SensioLabs, the creator of Symfony, is here to help you and share its expertise.

Contact us at +33 (0)1 86 65 72 00 or on our website, we will get back to you as soon as possible.