This is the very first year that we participate to the EU Code Week and SensioLabs is glad to celebrate the 5-year anniversary of Code Week!
SensioLabs is the creator of Symfony, the most popular PHP framework for professionals in the world.
What is that for? Thanks to Web Developers, everyone can communicate and access the information on the Web: they build the information highways. With Symfony, we provide Web Developers with a framework and tools to help them in the construction process. This way, no need to reinvent the wheel every time you need to create a PHP web development project, it is ready to use!
Initially, Sensio was created in 1998 as a digital communication agency. In 2005, Sensio’s co-founders Fabien Potencier and Gregory Pascal developed Symfony for their internal needs. They decided to open source Symfony to give it quickly more strength.
In a few years, Symfony has become a world standard, used by many Web Developers, working on PHP language. Last month, Symfony’s version 2 reached 1 Billion downloads: we were ecstatic, because it happened faster than we forecasted, and less than a year after reaching the 500M downloads. It is Symfony community’s success! As a software editor, SensioLabs supports Symfony, a collaborative Open Source project led by its core team and its community. We were all very proud of this big news! Symfony is now used all over the world, including some unexpected places like the Vatican and the Antarctic!
Every year, we pursue our SymfonyTour to meet the entire community. After Warsaw, Madrid, Paris and Berlin, we are heading in November 2017 to the beautiful city of Cluj-Napoca in Romania for the annual international Symfony conference: the SymfonyCon Cluj 2017!
Besides Symfony, SensioLabs has developed professional solutions to ease developers’ life: for instance to improve their code performance or to monitor their code quality SensioLabsInsight. SensioLabs supports companies to achieve their IT projects, coaching corporate teams.
Committed to help companies in their web development projects, we created SensioLabs University in 2016 to provide training services and to upgrade skills. We considered that it was part of our duty, as Symfony’s creators, to provide motivated people willing to learn with the best adequate training. We will guarantee and continuously upgrade developers’ level on Symfony. SensioLabs University has been designed as an immersive innovative e-learning platform for Symfony and PHP, enriched by Symfony’s creators.
With SensioLabs University, we have initiated the Symfony Nursery: a partnership with Pole Emploi (the French Employment Center) and Webforce 3 training institute. Symfony Nursery aims to teach code to jobseekers, bringing them back to sustainable jobs. Our partner companies commit to hire all jobseekers we have trained intensively to Symfony. The Symfony Nursery first class started the 25th of September, and we hope to get 6 classes more on board in 2018.
SensioLabs takes its part in the objective to reduce unemployment, developing as well digital skills in Europe. This is very important for us to include all people interested in IT, coding and web development.
That’s why, we are very happy to engage in the EU Code Week! It is a fantastic grass-roots initiative that shows how proactive and passionate are Europeans to learn coding, entering future digital world, sometimes from their very young age.
At SensioLabs, all our team is very excited to organize 2 workshops on the Web, PHP and Symfony the 20th of October at our Clichy headquarters (2 minutes walk from Paris). We will present what we do in an interactive instructive way, discussing on the future of the Web and welcoming new people to PHP and Symfony world.
More information:
We are waiting for you on Friday 20th! A special thanks to the ambassadors of the Code Week in France for their advice and support: you have made it possible!
See you soon!
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