Highlights on Symfony 5: Why migrate?


The latest major version of Symfony went live at SymfonyCon 2019 in Amsterdam. Symfony 5: Why migrate? In this second part, Nicolas Grekas, from the Symfony core team, explains the reasons for migrating to Symfony 5.

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Highlights on Symfony 5: New features to keep in mind

Symfony 5, the latest major version of Symfony has been released at the 2019 SymfonyCon in Amsterdam. What do you need to know about Symfony 5? In this first part, Nicolas Grekas, from the Symfony core team, explains what’s new in Symfony 5 features compared to previous versions.

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Our white paper “Why Symfony” is now updated


SensioLabs, the creator of Symfony, has updated its white paper “Why Symfony”. This white paper explains the advantages of using Symfony in a web and application development project. In about 20 pages, you will learn why Symfony is the most used PHP framework by IT professionals.