SymfonyLive Paris 2020: “Cache pays” by Hubert Lenoir

“Interview with Hubert Lenoir”. In this interview, Hubert Lenoir, developer at SensioLabs talks about his presentation at the SymfonyLive Paris 2020: “Cache pays!”. You did not have the opportunity to attend his presentation? Hubert explained us why he decided to talk about this subject, and also how exciting it was to speak at this conference.

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SymfonyLive Paris 2020: our summary of the conference

SensioLabs had the pleasure to exhibit at SymfonyLive Paris 2020 as a Diamond sponsor. About 500 developers of the Symfony community gathered at the Cité Internationale Universitaire of Paris. From technical conferences to discussions, to challenges on the booths, here is the summary of this must-attend event.