
Symfony is a set of reusable PHP components and a PHP framework to build web applications, APIs, microservices and web services.
It provides modular and adaptable features that allow to facilitate and accelerate the development of a website.

SensioLabs is proud to announce the Road to 500 Million Symfony Downloads

As any Symfony fan knows, Symfony 2.0 was released in 2011 and version 3.0 in November 2015. This year, we’ll reach a special milestone and SensioLabs is super happy to spread the news! Hard to believe, but after only five years, almost 500 Million Symfony packages have been downloaded by the PHP community*. And we […]

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Get ready for a 100% Symfony conference in the UK!

That’s right, SymfonyLive London starts in just one day! Meet us at the Queen Elisabeth II Conference Centre on Thursday morning, September 15th, to kick off the 5th edition of the SymfonyLive London! Here are a few highlights of what’s to come!   Part One: Thursday, September 15th: The Workshops Designed to help you level up […]

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3 reasons to join us at SymfonyLive London 2016

We’re getting ready for SymfonyLive London, and we came up with even more reasons to come and join us! Why should you come to the conference? Well, easy, check this out: 1) An event to meet Symfony You’ll get to experience a true Symfony reunion. For the very first time in the UK, Symfony Core Team members are […]

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SymfonyLive London is in two weeks!

We’re almost there! Only 2 weeks until the SymfonyLive London conference! We’re getting more and more ready as the days go, what about you? It’s high time you got your ticket! What’s in store for you? Pre-conference workshops on September 15th: ever wondered about Event sourcing + CQRS? Or how to use the API Platform […]

Posted on Events, Events, Events

Open Source School: 6 months later

6 months ago saw the birth of the Open Source School. As a founding partner of the OSS, SensioLabs is proud to update you on the latest news. This project, an initiative of EPSI and the Smile Group, is designed to train tomorrow’s Open Source leaders. It is the first real school of its kind, […]