
Symfony is a set of reusable PHP components and a PHP framework to build web applications, APIs, microservices and web services.
It provides modular and adaptable features that allow to facilitate and accelerate the development of a website.

Symfony and SensioLabs: 2 days in Amsterdam

Meet us in Amsterdam

Enjoy 2 very special days of Symfony in Amsterdam with SensioLabs! SensioLabs and Symfony are coming to the Netherlands for an exceptional event around the framework: Developers: with our 2-day training program “Build an app on Symfony 4” discover and learn how to use some of the most advanced and key features of the framework. Companies: […]

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Tech Workshop: Mercure by Kevin Dunglas at SensioLabs

Mercure protocol

On Wednesday, January 16th, we welcomed Kevin Dunglas in our Clichy headquarters. Kevin is a Symfony Core Team member & creator of API-Platform: he presented us Mercure, his new Open-Source project providing very useful features to update live your data from an app. Mercure, like the ancient god responsible for messengers and well-known for its speed: nice […]

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Guide: How to provide the best solutions for my PHP & Symfony projects and teams?

SensioLabs, the Open source expert  who makes your  life easier.   Since  its foundation as a Web development tools software publisher, SensioLabs has been striving to make web developers’ life easier.  SensioLabs created the Open Source PHP framework Symfony in 2005. Now, we keep supporting the framework to improve PHP developments quality and impact by simplifying the technical stack. Symfony is recognized as a worldwide success with about 1.85 billion downloads since its launch and it has more than 500,000 active users all over the world.   Why do we […]

Sensio celebrates the 20 years of its outstanding success-story

In 20 years, Sensio has become a large family united by many innovative successes. A unique model in the French digital ecosystem, the Sensio family celebrated its 20 years of existence on July, 4th, during a terrific party at the best Parisian plant-covered Summer rooftop, the Jardin Suspendu. In Summer 1998, the French soccer team […]