
Symfony is a set of reusable PHP components and a PHP framework to build web applications, APIs, microservices and web services.
It provides modular and adaptable features that allow to facilitate and accelerate the development of a website.

Symfony in Drupal 8: what are the benefits?

With the release of Drupal 8, CMS moves closer to objects by integrating Symfony components. So, what are the main changes for Drupal users and what are these components used for? Salah Meharga, CTO of SensioLabs, was kind enough to answer our questions and enlighten us on the subject. SensioLabs: Hello Salah! First, what are […]

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Presentation of Symfony 4 with Nicolas Grekas

Late 2017, during SymfonyCon Cluj, Fabien Potencier presented Symfony 4: the latest version of the world’s most downloaded professional PHP framework. Made available on the 30th of November, this updated version appears to be the easiest to use, the most flexible and the most powerful since the creation of the framework, and pledges to reinvent […]

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SensioLabs is one of the new Digital Champions of the Parisian Region

We are proud to announce that SensioLabs is one of the 5 Systematic Champions for 2017-2018! Systematic Champions are corporate from the digital sector, located in the Parisian Region, experiencing high growth rate. They develop innovations with high potential to grow internationally. Jean-Luc Beylat, president of the economic hub Systematic, gave us our Trophy during the […]

Posted on Join Us

1 Billion downloads for the Symfony framework!

We had a crazy and exciting beginning of the month within the Symfony community. We started the month with a great news in sight! The final countdown to achieve 1 Billion Symfony 2 version downloads was on its way and we were just about to reach it!   We were still remembering that last year, […]

Posted on Events