
PHP Project Quality Done right.

Control your code through more than 100 quality checks and cover every single aspect of your application. SymfonyInsight helps team monitor technical debt efficiently. It increases your productivity and alerts you on critically high levels of technical debt.
Based on our experience on Symfony, we established a list of 110 control points to make sure an application is safe, reliable and maintainable : security, architecture, performance, dead code, bug risk, readability, coding style.
Integrate SymfonyInsight in your development process and never let bad code be merged unnoticed.

SensioLabsInsight: new plans, more documentation and unlimited collaborators

Over the past few months, we’ve been listening to your feedback about SensioLabsInsight, and we’ve been working hard to find new ways so that everyone can enjoy our services. Today we’re rolling out new plans that are cheaper and include more features. Introducing the Lite Individual Plan A lot of freelancers reached us to ask […]

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SensioLabsInsight, the New Quality Wizard by SensioLabs, Hits the Market

A revolutionary SaaS solution that goes to the core of your code SensioLabs’ latest innovation in diagnostic applications, SensioLabsInsight is now ready and available ( Tested for several months in Beta version by more than 2,000 users who have launched tens of thousands of PHP code analyses , this first SaaS service created and provided […]

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